Ex­po­nen­tial Idle Guides

The­ory Sim­u­lator: How to Read Res­ults

Guide writ­ten by LE★Baldy, Snaeky, and Gaunter. Con­tri­bu­tions from An­tharion for the sim­u­lator it­self.

This guide is cur­rently un­der­go­ing change. Keep in mind, strategies may change.

Table of con­tents

Be­fore you start #

The sim as­sumes that you have all mile­stones and ad bo­nus! If you do not have these it will give you in­cor­rect val­ues for re­spect­ive the­or­ies.

Ex­ample out­put #

The top im­age is from the web­site ver­sion and the bot­tom from the dis­cord bot or when you re­quest a png from the web­site.

Theory Sim Example Outputs

Column ex­plan­a­tions #

Manual #

This refers to the \(\tau/​hour\) that you will gain from the act­ive strategy of that the­ory. This is defined as \(log(\tau\) \(gained)/​pub­lic­a­tion\) \(time\) \(in\) \(hours\). For ex­ample, if you gain 1e10 \(\tau\) over a 2 hr run then your rate for that the­ory is 5 \(\tau/​hr\). Use these val­ues to com­pare to other the­or­ies if you plan to do act­ive strategies for that fol­low­ing pub­lic­a­tion.

Auto #

This is the \(\tau/​hour\) that you will gain from the idle strategy of the the­ory. This is defined the same way as Manual. Use these val­ues to com­pare to other the­or­ies if you plan to do act­ive strategies for that fol­low­ing pub­lic­a­tion.

Ra­tio #

This is the ra­tio of the manual:auto for \(\tau\) gain (2nd column/​3rd column). For ra­tios closer to 1, you should con­sider only run­ning these the­or­ies while off­line/​idle. For ra­tios much lar­ger than 1, you should con­sider only run­ning these the­or­ies while act­ively or semi-act­ively play­ing the game and not while off­line. This is the reason why T5 is con­sidered an act­ive the­ory and T2 is con­sidered an idle the­ory.

Multi Manual #

This is the op­timal mul­ti­plier that you should pub­lish at for the given manual strategy for that single pub­lic­a­tion. The mul­ti­plier can change drastic­ally between pub­lic­a­tions based on the­ory, when vari­ables are pur­chased, and more. You may want to do mul­tiple sim­u­la­tions after each pub­lic­a­tion for some the­or­ies but is not nessesary.

Multi Auto #

This is the op­timal mul­ti­plier that you should pub­lish at for the given act­ive strategy for that single pub­lic­a­tion. The mul­ti­plier can change drastic­ally between pub­lic­a­tions based on the­ory, when vari­ables are pur­chased, and more. You may want to do mul­tiple sim­u­la­tions after each pub­lic­a­tion for some the­or­ies but is not nessesary.

Strategy Manual and Strategy Auto #

This is the op­timal strategy for act­ive or idle play­ing (for auto) of that pub­lic­a­tion. See be­low for what each part means.

Vari­ables to al­ways buy
T1 q1, q2, c4
T2 all vari­ables
T3 b1, b2, b3, c12
c22, c23, c31, c32
T4 q1, q2, c3
T5 q1, q2, c3
T6 r1, r2, q1, q2
T7 q1, c2, c5, c6
T8 c1, c2

If sim says T8R34, you still buy \(c_1\) and \(c_2\). It only out­puts num­ber changes for \(c_3\), \(c_4\), and \(c_5\).

*The ex­cep­tion is dur­ing the cruise phase of the end of a pub­lic­a­tion.

**Table ex­cludes vari­ables that are bought some­times, but not al­ways such as T5 act­ive.

Time Manual and Time Auto

This is the time (in hours) it should take to pub­lish for the act­ive or idle strategy.

The sim­u­lator only runs up to 720 hours per the­ory per manual/​auto sec­tion. Any res­ults from a 720 hour sim­u­la­tion should be treated with cau­tion as they never fin­ished their pub­lic­a­tion. If you get a neg­at­ive /hour res­ult from hit­ting this 720 hour cap, this is be­cause it never got back to the pub­lic­a­tion mark to push \(\tau\) so \(ρ\) ended be­low \(\tau\).

Delta Act­ive and Delta Idle

This will tell you how much \(\tau\) you are ex­pec­ted to gain for the act­ive or idle strategy.

Delta Act­ive and Delta Idle are defined as the quant­ity \(\frac{\tau_{fi­nal}}{\tau_{ini­tial}}\) in­stead of \(\tau_{fi­nal}\) - \(\tau_{ini­tial}\). So if delta act­ive was equal to 1e3 and the start­ing \(\tau\) was e100, the sim pub­lishes at e103 \(\tau\).

You should NOT pub­lish at this \(\tau\) value since it’s very likely your start­ing \(\tau\) will be dif­fer­ent from what is ac­tu­ally used in the sim due to your in­put be­ing 1eXXXX not x.xxxeXXXX. This should not be con­fused with log(\(\tau\)).