Ex­po­nen­tial Idle Guides

The­ory 9 to En­dgame

The World of Grind­ing and R9 Boost

Guide writ­ten by LE★Baldy. Con­tri­bu­tions from the Amaz­ing Com­munity.

This guide is cur­rently un­der­go­ing change. Keep in mind, strategies may change.

Table of con­tents


Gradu­ation rout­ing #

Rout­ing is based on your cur­rent Tau (\(\tau\)) and Phi (\(\varphi\)) num­bers.

Make sure to use the cal­cu­lat­ors and sim­u­lat­ors for op­timal gradu­ation, stu­dent, star, and the­ory op­tions.

Push f(t) with 3R9 se­apping #

Mem­or­ize your stu­dent dis­tri­bu­tions with and without 30 R9 stu­dents. Use the stu­dent cal­cu­lator if needed.
  1. Wait till \(f(t)\) stops grow­ing without stu­dent re­spec with R9 in push­ing \(\tau\).
  2. Start ac­cel (prefer­ably keep it between prestiges).
  3. Po­ten­tially sit here to stack t for big­ger \(\phi_2\) when you have stu­dents in \(\phi_2\). Only do this when you are near a gradu­ation mark.
  4. Re­spec the all 30 stu­dents from R9.
  5. Wait for the auto­prestige to prestige and swap back stu­dents to R9. When you are later in a gradu­ation, you will ned to prestige manu­ally
  6. Re­peat.

R9 auto­prestige ex­pres­sion #

You can find the auto­prestige used for R9 Seap­ing here: Equa­tion. If you don’t have this ex­pres­sion, then you will have to manu­ally prestige each time (turn it off be­fore seap­ing).

Ref­er­ence R9 Seap­ing Auto­prestige Ex­plan­a­tion

Idle and Act­ive buy strats #

For best res­ults use the The­ory Sim and Sim Guide to give the best strategy and mul­ti­plier for the next pub­lic­a­tions.

Idle Act­ive
T1 Dis­able c1/​c2 See T1 rout­ing
T2 All vari­ables on q4/​r4 → q3/​r3 → etc manual buy
T3 Dis­able Same as idle but with
c11, c13, c21, c33 b2 → b4 → b1 manual buy
T4 Only q1, q2, c3 Idle with chas­ing doub­lings
T5 See T5 rout­ing See T5 rout­ing
T6 Dis­able c3, c4 Idle with chas­ing doub­lings
T7 Dis­able c1, c2, c3 Dis­able c1, c2
T8 All vari­ables on Idle with chas­ing doub­lings

Equa­tion for when to pub­lish #

From Big Freeze:

ln(tau/smooth(tau, (timer(d(tau)<=0) < 900)*e99) )
/ (timer( timer(d(tau)<=0)<900 ) + 900)

Pick a time, for ex­ample 900s, such that (max­imum time between pur­chases)<900s<(min­imum time to get to pub mark).

The­ory rout­ing #

If a the­ory is not lis­ted be­low, then use the idle vs manual chart and the ideal mul­ti­plier chart.

T1 rout­ing #

The op­timal mul­ti­plier cycles between \(2.5\) – \(5\). It is lower as you get closer to buy­ing the next level of \(c_4\) and higher shortly after buy­ing the \(c_4\) up­grade. Late game, it is best to pub­lish \(2\)-\(3\) times per level of \(c_4\) for a total mul­ti­plier of \(20.51\).

T1 is the only the­ory where the re­cent value of \(ρ\) in­flu­ences the rate of change of \(ρ\) there­fore buy­ing a vari­able as soon as you can af­ford will slow your pro­gress. Late game buy­ing up­grades im­me­di­ately will slow you more than the be­ne­fit of the up­grade be­cause \(c_3\) & \(c_4\) dom­in­ate. If the next level costs \(10ρ\) and you have \(11ρ\) buy­ing it will re­duce to \(ρ_{n+1}\) to \(1\) you are re­du­cing your \(ρ_{n+1}\) by roughly a factor of 10.

There are \(3\) terms the in­flu­ence the rate of change of \(\rho\) all are af­fected by the pre­vi­ous state of \(\rho\). Let’s ig­nore the 1st since it has such a small in­flu­ence and con­sider the above case to de­term­ine when an up­grade would be bet­ter. For every mag­nitude of \(10\), term \(2\) gains \(ρ_{n-1}^{2/​10} = 1.585x\) more in­come and term 3 gains \(ρ_{n-2}^{3/​10} = 1.995x\) more in­come. There­fore, it would only be worth buy­ing an up­grade if it in­creases \(\dot{ρ}\) by more than 2 times at pur­chase. Be­cause of this when act­ively play­ing you should only buy a vari­able when it will not de­crease your ρdot for each up­grade that is ap­prox­im­ately at the ra­tios de­tailed be­low. Buy each up­grade when \(ρ_n\) is N times the costs of a given up­grade:

Mul­ti­plier Mul­ti­plier
c1 10,000 c4 1.01
c2 1,000 q1 5.0
c3 2 q2 1.15
*c1 and c2 are not used later be­cause they be­come det­ri­mental and should be dis­abled.

T5 rout­ing #

Run­ning the act­ive strats will make this the num­ber one the­ory for a while and even­tual num­ber two after T6 takes over (e750-770+). A step-by-step on how to pro­gress the the­ory is be­low.

Steps Cre­ated by: Snaeky, Marks, Baldy, and Nerdy

  1. x10 buy \(c_2\) manu­ally and auto­buy the rest un­til within ~\(e10\) of your pre­vi­ous pub­lic­a­tion. Your graph should re­semble a lin­ear func­tion on the graph.
  2. As pur­chas­ing \(c_2\) be­comes less fre­quent and \(q\) growth will slow down at this point you should stop auto­buy­ing \(c_1\) & \(q_1\)
  3. Around your last pub mark, you can start auto-buy­ing \(c_2\). At this point, you should:
    1. buy \(q_1\) up to \(15\%\) of the cost of the next doub­ling pur­chase (\(2^x\) pur­chase),
    2. and buy \(c_1\) after you pur­chase \(c_2\) un­til \(q\) reaches its new cap.
  4. Once you reach your de­sired mul­ti­plier, pub­lish.
  5. Re­peat this for stonks.
No com­ment­ary

T5 will al­ways give its best res­ults from act­ive play however, after step 3 you can still get good res­ults while auto buy­ing \(q_1\) and manu­ally pur­chas­ing \(c_1\) every 10-15min. Mak­ing the the­ory slightly less act­ive.

Ad­di­tional In­form­a­tion

Pur­chase \(c_2\) when \(1.5q > c_2*c_3^{m_3}\). \(m_3\) is the num­ber of mile­stone 3. \(q\) be­gins to slow down when you reach \(2q > c_2*c_3^{m_3}\).

The­ory 8 (ad­di­tional in­form­a­tion) #

Start­ing Po­s­i­tions Time Step
Lorenz (-6, -8, 26) 0.02
Chen (-10.6, -4.4, 28.6) 0.002
Rossler (-6, 15, 0) 0.00014

How to re­spec #

See the in­tro­duc­tion guide for re­spe­cing stu­dents and mile­stones.

Lemma #

All Lemma sec­tions already have the - but­tons un­locked. This gives back the full price paid into the up­grade. This al­lows for up­grade swap­ping or drop­ping up­grades at the very end to hit the lemma limit early. The amount re­speced is based on the x1, x10, x25, x100, xMax in the top right. On the right side, you can see the total levels bought. There is also a free re­set top right if a mis­take is made.