Ex­po­nen­tial Idle Guides

1 to ee2000

Guide writ­ten by LE★Baldy. Con­tri­bu­tions from The Amaz­ing Com­munity.

This guide is cur­rently un­der­go­ing change. Keep in mind, strategies may change.

Table of con­tents

First read the game ba­sics.

In­tro­duc­tion #

The start of the game is the most vari­able sec­tion of the game de­pend­ing on how act­ive you play. This guide will be split into 1 to ee50, ee50 to ee200, and ee200 to ee2000 sec­tions for par­tic­u­lar mile­stones. Within each of these sec­tions there are idle, act­ive, and gen­eral strategy sub­sec­tions for dif­fer­ing playstyles. Play­ing and mold­ing both sec­tions will of­ten de­liver the best res­ults for a par­tic­u­lar per­son’s abil­ity and situ­ation.

1 to ee50 #

Prestige strategy be­fore auto­prestige #

Be­fore b>=1:
After b>=1:
  1. Re­cov­ery is based on spam­ming the Buy All but­ton (you can get this in star up­grades), fo­cus­ing vari­ables and swap­ping to up­grades oc­ca­sion­ally.
    1. This may take a little bit to get back to your pre­vi­ous prestige point and the faster you spam the faster you get there.
  2. Pay at­ten­tion to db/​b growth.
    1. db/​b growth is the largest factor to pro­gress from a prestige, however, be­cause of how early f(t) is, μ up­grades still play a vi­tal role and have to be taken into ac­count.
    2. Once db reaches e3 more than b, be­gin to pay at­ten­tion how fast db is grow­ing vs how long you have been spend­ing on the prestige. When this slows drastic­ally, you are at the end of a prestige.
  3. Pay at­ten­tion to growth. (Op­tional)
    1. Make men­tal note of price of the two μ up­grades are (↑ dt up­grade and ↑ y factor up­grade).
    2. When db be­gins to drastic­ally re­duce its growth vs time, look at how fast your is grow­ing.
    3. If is grow­ing fast enough and is be­low the next μ up­grade, it could be worth wait­ing to grab that as well. It is to note that y factor up­grades are a big­ger over­all boost than dt up­grades.
    4. In the case that you are past one up­grade of the μ up­grades and po­ten­tially an­other, you will have to do some men­tal math to check.
      1. Every ↑ dt up­grade is 32,768x or ~3.28e4 more ex­pens­ive per up­grade and every ↑ y factor up­grade is 1,048,576x or ~1.05e6 more ex­pens­ive per up­grade. You can add mul­tiply the cur­rent shown μ up­grade to get the next one and see if you are close to buy­ing a 2nd. This does­n't hap­pen of­ten but can help to check.
  4. After check­ing growth, abil­ity to pur­chase μ up­grades, and db growth, you can prestige when all of these have slowed drastic­ally.
  5. Re­peat this cycle.

Act­ive strategies #

Equa­tion taps

Each tap of the equa­tion, in­creases t by \(1 * (ad\) \( boost\) \( of\) \( 1.5) * ac­cel\) \( value\). This is a sig­ni­fic­ant boost to pro­gress un­til about ee15-ee20. After, dt be­comes too large for your taps to make a worthy and sig­ni­fic­ant boost to pro­gress.


These can be un­locked once b>=1. Highest pri­or­ity is do­ing 15-puzzle and sav­ing up for the ar­row puzzle. You an buy vari­ables and perm levels while you wait. Do­ing one game of ex­pert ar­row or a few of hard ar­row makes up all the stars and more spent on ar­row puzzle be­cause of the achieve­ments. I would highly highly sug­gest fo­cus­ing and learn­ing hard ar­row puzzle if you plan on play­ing minigames for stars as it is far and above the best stars/​time.

Ac­cel but­ton

This up­grade only has value if you con­tinu­ously and con­sist­ently use it. If you are not us­ing the ac­cel at the mo­ment, selling it will lead to more stars for vari­ables and perm levels. It gives an x2.85 boost to \(dt\) and game pro­gress if you max out the hour cap everytime.

Star ep­grades

Fo­cus is on buy­ing ac­cel but­ton if you will use it then vari­ables. Leftover stars can be used for per­men­ant levels. You will most likely not buy any auto­buy­ers in this sec­tion as vari­ables far and above give a big­ger boost most cases. If you do end up buy­ing some then buy vari­able then up­grade auto­buyer. You will not make it to auto­prestige in this sec­tion un­less ex­treme grind­ing but is worth the cost if you keep some vari­ables.

Idle strategies #


These will not be of much value to you if you won’t play them so not pur­chas­ing them is the best op­tion.

Star up­grades

You will not pur­chase the ac­cel but­ton. When you go idle, fo­cus pur­chase on the vari­able then up­grade auto­buyer if you get them. You will most likely not have enough stars to get auto­prestige or both auto­buy­ers in this sec­tion.

Su­prem­acy #

When To su­prem­acy #

Upon reach­ing ee50, im­me­di­ately su­prem­acy.

The gen­eral rule of thumb be­fore ee2000 is whenever you have an up­grade avail­able, to su­prem­acy. There is an ex­cep­tion, however. The third su­prem­acy for \(y^{1.6}\) costs 24 \(\psi\) and oc­curs at \(f(t)\)=ee140. You will want to skip this up­grade un­til you get to ee200 where you are forced to su­prem­acy whether or not you ob­tainedthe \(y^{1.6}\) su­prem­acy up­grade­before­hand. It is bet­ter to com­bine both of these su­prem­a­cies into one than have to re­cov­ery from one and do an­other.

Su­prem­acy re­cov­ery (Act­ive) #

  1. Drop vari­ables that won't be pur­chas­able im­me­di­ately. This will be most of them ini­tially.
  2. Put the ex­tra stars into perm levels into the last vari­able.
  3. As you pro­gress with more f(t), use the vari­able lookup table for when to buy the next vari­able.
    1. If you can af­ford to buy a level in the next vari­able, it is worth buy­ing that vari­able and mov­ing perm levels to it.
    2. After buy­ing a new vari­able, move the perm levels from the pre­vi­ous vari­able into the new last vari­able.
  4. Pro­gress nor­mally and re­peat un­til back to pre­vi­ous su­prem­acy mark.

Su­prem­acy re­cov­ery (Idle) #

  1. Keep all vari­ables that you could pur­chase up to the most re­cent f(t) with their nor­mal perm levels.
  2. If you do not have all the auto­ma­tion up­grades, you can take out some of the vari­ables and perm levels for auto­buy­ers or auto­prestige. Oth­er­wise keep vari­ables un­locked.
  3. Pro­gress nor­mally un­til back to pre­vi­ous su­prem­acy mark.

ee50 to ee200 #

Auto­prestige #

Auto­ma­tion rout­ing changes per playstyle but here is the auto­prestige equa­tion to use when you un­lock it.

Re­mem­ber to change mode from ra­tio to ex­pres­sion by click­ing Ra­tio twice to cycle. Ex­plan­a­tion of auto­prestige ex­pres­sion
timer(d(ln(db/b+1)/pt) < 0) 
> 3 * tr && db > b

Act­ive strategies #


If you have not un­locked ar­row puzzle yet, highest pri­or­ity is do­ing 15-puzzle and sav­ing up for the ar­row puzzle. You an buy vari­ables and perm levels while you wait. Do­ing one game of ex­pert ar­row or a few of hard ar­row makes up all the stars and more spent on ar­row puzzle be­cause of the achieve­ments. I would highly highly sug­gest fo­cus­ing and learn­ing hard ar­row puzzle if you plan on play­ing minigames for stars as it is far and above the best stars/​time. If you have already un­locked and learned hard ar­row, then not much to say be­sides con­tinue on grind­ing stars.

Ac­cel but­ton

This up­grade only has value if you con­tinu­ously and con­sist­ently use it. If you are not us­ing the ac­cel at the mo­ment, selling it will lead to more stars for vari­ables and perm levels. It gives an x2.85 boost to \(dt\) and thus the game if you max out the hour cap everytime.

Star up­grades

Buy ac­cel but­ton and use it for speed boost to the game and stars. You should be able to un­lock both auto­buy­ers and auto­prestige re­l­at­ively easy with only some star grind­ing. After you ob­tain auto­prestige, in­put the auto­prestige equa­tion. You will con­tinue to un­lock vari­ables and perm levels when cheap as you go. You will not want to buy the Auto­ma­tion Speed up­grades un­til cheap com­pared to vari­able cost. In other words: lvl 1 after \(\zeta\); lvl 2 after \(\iota\); and lvl 3 after \(\xi\) (the last vari­able. They don’t provide much boost but are nice to have any­ways. Any left over stars will go into perm levels.

Idle strategies #


These will not be of much value to you if you won’t play them so not pur­chas­ing them or any more is the best op­tion.

Star up­grades

If you don’t use the ac­cel but­ton, don’t buy it. When you can buy the auto­buy­ers, buy the vari­able auto­buyer then the up­grade auto­buyer. After you ob­tain auto­prestige, in­put the auto­prestige equa­tion. You will con­tinue to un­lock vari­ables and perm levels when cheap as you go. You will not want to buy the Auto­ma­tion Speed up­grades un­til cheap com­pared to vari­able cost. In other words: lvl 1 after \(\zeta\); lvl 2 after \(\iota\); and lvl 3 after \(\xi\) (the last vari­able. They don’t provide much boost but are nice to have any­ways. Any left over stars will go into perm levels.

ee200 to ee2000 #

Auto­su­prem­acy #

There is a chance you get Auto­su­prem­acy be­fore ee2000 if you star grind a lot. If not, you will get later. The equa­tion be­low is the auto­su­prem­acy equa­tion if you do hap­pens to ob­tain it. There is an ex­plan­a­tion if you wanted.

Note: Do a manual su­prem­acy when you in­put this ex­pres­sion and never enter the edit ex­pres­sion field again af­ter­wards. Make sure auto­buy­ers are on x1 or xMax.
Re­mem­ber to change mode from ra­tio to ex­pres­sion by click­ing Ra­tio twice to cycle.
timer(d(ln(db/b+1)/pt) < 0) 
> 2 * tr && db > b
&& dpsi + psi > min(min(costUpS(1), 
costUpS(2)), costUpS(3))
&& ln(1 + max(1,log10(sf))/
(st>tr) * ee99))/max(1,st)<
smooth(ln(1 + max(1,log10(sf))/
smooth(max(1,log10(gf)), (st>tr) 
* ee99))/max(1,st), (pt>tr) * ee99)

What are these \(x_i\) su­prem­acy up­grades? #

After you su­prem­acy past the ee200 in­fin­ity, a 2nd new su­prem­acy up­grade will un­lock: Un­lock x₁.

\(x_i\) Equa­tion

\(x_i ← x_i+x_{i-1}dt\)

\(x_0 = x\)

\(x_i\) Equa­tion ex­plan­a­tion

The equa­tion shown is the cal­cu­la­tion done on every tick. Lets give the ex­ample of \(x_1\): \(x_1 ← x_1+x*dt\). Each tick, \(x*dt\) is ad­ded to \(x_1\). This is done for every new value of x and \(dt\). A simple way of phras­ing it is as re­peated ad­di­tion of the product of \(x*dt\).

Act­ive strategies #


If you have not un­locked ar­row puzzle yet, highest pri­or­ity is do­ing 15-puzzle and sav­ing up for the ar­row puzzle. You an buy vari­ables and perm levels while you wait. Do­ing one game of ex­pert ar­row or a few of hard ar­row makes up all the stars and more spent on ar­row puzzle be­cause of the achieve­ments. I would highly highly sug­gest fo­cus­ing and learn­ing hard ar­row puzzle if you plan on play­ing minigames for stars as it is far and above the best stars/​time. If you have already un­locked and learned hard ar­row, then not much to say be­sides con­tinue on grind­ing stars.

Ac­cel but­ton

This up­grade only has value if you con­tinu­ously and con­sist­ently use it. If you are not us­ing the ac­cel at the mo­ment, selling it will lead to more stars for vari­ables and perm levels. It gives an x2.85 boost to \(dt\) and thus the game if you max out the hour cap everytime.

Star up­grades

You will max all star up­grades be­sides perm levels (no at­tain­able limit) and auto­su­prem­acy (only if you grind enough). When you ob­tain auto­prestige, in­put the auto­prestige equa­tion. You will con­tinue to un­lock vari­ables and perm levels when cheap as you go. You will not want to buy the Auto­ma­tion Speed up­grades un­til cheap com­pared to vari­able cost. In other words: lvl 1 after \(\zeta\); lvl 2 after \(\iota\); and lvl 3 after \(\xi\) (the last vari­able. They don’t provide much boost but are nice to have any­ways. Any left over stars will go into perm levels.

Idle strategies #


These will not be of much value to you if you won’t play them so not pur­chas­ing them or any more is the best op­tion.

Star up­grades

You will max all star up­grades be­sides perm levels (no at­tain­able limit) and auto­su­prem­acy. When you ob­tain auto­prestige, in­put the auto­prestige equa­tion. You will con­tinue to un­lock vari­ables and perm levels when cheap as you go. You will not want to buy the Auto­ma­tion Speed up­grades un­til cheap com­pared to vari­able cost. In other words: lvl 1 after \(\zeta\); lvl 2 after \(\iota\); and lvl 3 after \(\xi\) (the last vari­able. They don’t provide much boost but are nice to have any­ways. Any left over stars will go into perm levels.

When you reach ee2000, gradu­ate im­me­di­ately. This also pushes in­fin­ity fur­ther and is op­timal for graud­a­tion rout­ing any­ways.